Wednesday, June 3, 2009

i remember . . i really hate those kind of people like talking back at TEACHER. it's like veh pity kan ?! cause i still remember once . . my chinese teacher didnt came .. so relief teacher dunknow what luo lao shi ? o.O Yeahs luh . then like alot of people keep making funny actions at his butt and stuff. somemore he superb OLD . )): superb pity .
i hope people wont do this again aites ? ;DD Hahaas . Hmmmm . i sudd remind this cause of may's blog . see her post also REWIND this incident taw . mmmmmm .

Today have chinese supp . dhen neh go comp lab sial . I WANT GO , I WANT GO . so cold . Hahas. then can use comp . last week we went . LOL . then do the sort of projects luhs. FUNNN XDD. Okehs . Today luckly teacher never release LATE . Thanks . Last week she released at 9.40 sial . Hahaas . we superb lucky kan ? cause some people supp start at 7.30 - 9.30 . then we start at 8.00-9.30 larhs. saw a video funny siol .. make me laugh until LMAO like that . shall update again aites ? :]]

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