Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ehs . those who want me to link please kinda leave ur URL ((: i change my mind again sial . i think i'll tell people those who ask larhs . XDD . seeeee . i wanna let your know lehs . Hahahs ((:
Yeah , im ready for radical conference !! ;DD it's hyper and fun aites ? those who have been before .
Awww , i've skipped today radical conference sial . NEHMIND . i 'll try to go on friday . But still now that sure luhs .

To Grace .
DONT BE SAD OKEH ? without him , u wont die . there's still alot of guys in this world . so please dont be sad kan ?! i dowan see my jiee so sad . ANYWAY , CHEERUP ALRIGHT ? ;DD .
Giveme a smile !! ((: ILY .

To Qinying
orhs Crap ehs . i wanna wanna hang out with you larhs . Let's try to go before derh school reopen aites ? Thanks fer cheering me up when im low . and when u need me , i'll be there always fer you .

To Tracy
ehs . i miss you alot larhs since u when to australia . Awwww . we didnt contact each other since you when derh . IMY .

To May
DIDI <3333 imy lots . let's not fight anymore and have SWEETS FRIENDSHIP EHS ?

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